Halfway during EST paper, some idiot started playing music really, really loudly from his car. I could hear all the bass and rather loudly, Rihanna singing
"please don't stop the music". During SPM,
Amy said that one of the examiners smelled like Cikgu Yasmin. I couldn't smell a thing. Linda also agreed that he smelled like Cikgu Yasmin. Did he really smell like Cikgu Yasmin? I don't know, I never smell teachers but I'll take their word for it.
Amy, Esther and Irene were singing Bee Gees songs before EST paper started. Halfway, they decided to go look for a guitar to play. Why? I don't know. I'm sure going to miss school and these people!

My father is back from travelling tomorrow and my sister will be back this Saturday. I have some Christmas shopping to do. It feels really weird that SPM is over. It feels like... I have to study, I must study but what to study???

Here's what I am going to do starting from today,
- Send my violin to Arco Strings for servicing.
- Practice the piano and violin.
- Be an "Ah Long" because Rhema owes me a lot of things.
- Go out with whoever there is to go out with.
- Watch movies.
- Christmas shopping.
- Ask Amy when 2009 comes if she managed to do headstands.
- Do nothing.