The only time I splurged on a synthetic fabric handbag became the last time I would ever do so. I found a scratch and since then I fully converted into an avid leather bag person. Quote my parents, “that’s why you don’t buy PVC handbags”.
Very true, I have a big blue leather handbag which I use to put my 2.5kg laptop together with a 1.5L water bottle, one or two textbooks, a heavy purse, a camera and a pencil case, has last me for over a year. Good long term investment versus replacing a PVC handbag every few months, a year or so. A fair RM400.00 leather handbag could last years compared to buying a new RM100 PVC handbag every year.
Saves money I would say. Just like a good leather wallet versus a PVC wallet. Mine four years-old and still in tip top condition versus PVC wallets which always ended up somewhere at the back of my drawer. PVC wallets aren’t even cheap. PVC items are probably worth only RM20 but with a brand tag on, it gets sold for RM200 and way more. Like PVC Guess handbags that sell for at least RM500.
I despise brand tags. They make everything so overly expensive like canvas Coach handbags aren’t worth the buy. One should probably top up a grand or so after a year of saving and get a leather Coach handbag since what you pay is what you get.
I despise PVC even more although I was talking about canvas but bottom line is, I have issues against PVC handbags and wallets. I have partial issues against a lot of things especially pork skin.
That popped into my mind because yesterday’s dinner, they actually served crunchy deep fried pork skin. Like those carved off a deep fried suckling pig. Who said only Asians ate that! Apparently Kiwis do too. It was served in two big bowls. Ugh.
I forgot to shut my window last night and I was greeted by a pleasant 6 degrees Celcius not so good good morning.
Time to do some work.