Laughter is the best medicine

Hi guys! Wow...time really has flown past. I can't believe it's already Friday! I just came back from violin lessons by the way. I don't know what happened to my profile picture, I tried to upload over and over again and it just won't work. Ok, nevermind. Everytime I think of something stupid that I have witnessed before, I just literally fall appart laughing. Like all the hilarious occasions in the bus last year (hysterical laughter) or when we were in Hilton and my two friends pretended to be gay with this gang of European girls staring and laughing (more hysterical laughter) . Once, I nearly set the bbq stuff on fire, I was too busy talking (more hysterical laughter). Once, my cousin practically flew into the house from the back door of the bungalow when she got chased by one of the dogs in my grandparents house (laughs). Lots more, more laughs about primary school and secondary school plus all the time that I have spent with my friends (old and new friends)...oooh, plus when Grace put her feet on top on some American's head in the cinema! We were watching Matrix. I was with Chong and Grace. Or when I was with Aazean adn Michelle Ng at Riverside...hahahaa....more laughs. I'm so bored....forget it. It's pretty ordinary. Anyway, can't believe school's going to reopen this Monday!!! Gtg, bye! Ciao.