Too much knowledge creates paranoid people particularly when all of your course subjects tell you nearly daily… MORBIDITY and MORTALITY, and throws statistics across the lecture theatre in front of your face.
Chemistry tells you how using alpha hydroxy acids in facial peel-off masks actually work by burning your skin. How hydrolyzed silk in shampoos sound grand but actually wash off in less than a second, doing nothing to your hair. So forth and so forth. Chemistry tells you that a lot of products aren’t as useful as you once thought they were. That you’ve wasted your money for the past few years.
Population health tells you how likely you’re going to die. No. Really. It makes you go… HIV! TB! STDs! Cholera! Butter makes you die of cardiovascular diseases! If I do this and that I’m reducing my lifespan by this and that! So forth and so forth.
Oh and you learn that Malaysia is third world country with a lot of motorcycles and tribes.