Inspired by an old friend, Hansley who is currently at the opposite end of the globe from where I am, Russia, the issue of plastic surgery. Is it right to go under the knife or is it a sin to do so?
Christianity always urges one to embrace their physical appearances and that everyone is beautiful on the inside. Hence, plastic surgery is wrong.
So why is it fine to have orthodontic treatment to have a perfect set of choppers? Or why is it fine to dye your hair brown if you have red hair?
Some may say that plastic surgery is a permanent procedure while dyeing your hair is not. What about orthodontics?
If I think my teeth are crooked and it makes me look ugly, I would seek for an orthodontist and request for my teeth to be straightened. Two options, braces or orthodontic surgery whereby they’ll slice open your gums, reposition your teeth and stitch your gums.
So what’s the difference if one thinks his nose is crooked, makes him look ugly, seeks for a plastic surgeon and get a rhinoplasty done?
I could go on and on if I could but fortunately/unfortunately, I have a Chemistry test on Monday.
Classification of plastic surgery into the right or wrong category is merely just human opinionated.