
Hello! Today is the fourth day of CNY and I still get visitors again. Will be offline soon for dinner. I'll be back after dinner, k? So don't go offline, I'm counting on you! Nothing much to say today. I'll be websurfing. IMing with one of my friends now. Hoping that tonight there will be more of my friends online. Tomorrow's Sunday. Will be online tomorrow night. I'm usually online on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays during schooldays. Never on a weekday. Busy marh...what are you looking at? Get a life, I have a life okay, unlike like you. Lol. Just kidding, don't take heart. I'm going around and taking personality tests again. Well, wanna check my mail now and go for dinner after that. C'ya! Ciao!

Just the Way We Are

We hold on to things the tightest,
when we are forced to let them go--
We always want things a certain way,
when we know they can't be so.
Dreams always last the longest,
when they are furthest from our reach--
And the lessons we can learn the most from,
are often the very ones we teach,
The grass is always the greenest,
when it lies on the other side--
And the truths we preach to others,
are often those we can't abide.
We hold fast to the things in a storm,
which are most likely to blow away--
And yet we neglect to wear sunscreen,
on a bright and sunny day.
We spend our time trying to see things,
when the perspective is one thing we lack--
And we never appreciate what we've got,
until we can't get it back.
We expect the whole world to give us a break,
and yet ironically, we find--
That when others come asking the same of us,
we tell them that they're out of their mind.
We tell everyone what's wrong with this world,
and we do nothing to make it right--
We complain about families falling apart,
and yet do nothing to keep them tight.
We preach about loving our neighbours,
and we teach children right from wrong--
But we never set good examples for them,
when real chances come along.
We complain about not having enough time in our lives,
to do what we must do--
Yet if we were given more hours in the day,
we'd use up all that, too.
We desire to be close to all those we love,
yet all too often look on from afar--
And when it comes to the truth do we want to change,
or remain forever as we are?

by Kristy Glassen (addapted from Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul)