Happy Valentine's Day!!! The history of this social-frenzy day starts of with this man named Valentine who was about to be sentenced to death and of course, he was in a prison. So before, he died, he declared his love to the girl of his dreams and declared that day as Valentine's Day. That's just a so-call brief history of the Valentine's Day that I got from Rhe. How true it goes, I have no idea. I don't intend on researching on the history of Valentine's Day. So why can't I just decide to declare one day as Gabrielle's Day just because I declare my love to the guy I fancy before I reach 50 years old or something. If this Valentine guy can, why can't I? All right, that's utter crap.
So, there was a frenzy of Valentine gift delivering going around school particularly during our Physics lesson until Miss Chung decided to not teach because she claimed everyone was in a Valentine mood. Strangely, this year SMK. St. Thomas decided to participate in the Interact Club Valentine's Day sale or maybe they did every year just that I did not pay attention to it for the pass few years whether they did or not.