It was the Interschool Debate today at Kolej Abdillah. My team consists of Kristen as 1st speaker, Azureen as 2nd speaker, I as the 3rd speaker and Rhema and Nishanti as reserves. We got a by for the first round with some topic regarding co-curriculum and we drew lots and got opposition for our 2nd round, with the motion, "Fast food advertisements should be banned." We went against Batu Lintang and unfortunately, we lost. I have further comments, however not in specific detail about this particular debate later at the end of my post. Now, let's move on to some stuff that occured this morning... Anyway, in that picture in the left, that's just me attempting to look high and mighty and failing miserably. Anyway, today, the school actually had McDonald's delivered to our school just for us! And they are compensating RM5 for each of us! Nisha got her wish of wanting chocolate because there was chocolate topped sundae. How ironic, we are debating on fast food yet we are eating it. Oh, we savored our UNHEALTHY meal in the library.
me, the 3rd speaker trying to put on another high & mighty look & failing miserably...

Kristen Chew & Azureen Bakrie, 1st & 2nd speakers...what are they doing again??

Nishanti Ranee & Rhema Basil (somewhere lurking in the photo...), reserved speakers

Leftovers from our McD meal...
More remainders...

Kristen...busy missing McD's

Nisha being too absorbed in drinking...

Rhe & I in the process of eating...
Nisha throwing away our rubbish...
It was one very interesting debate indeed... very, very, very "INTERESTING". To what I see, it was sort of like we were both argueing on different things, not on one thing instead. I have LOTS to comment about this debate, like one million and one comments. However, I chose to not express it publicly. So far, only those who had spoken to me about the debate know about it such as some octopus, some gorilla, some doggie and some human bean. It was just VERY VERY "INTERESTING".