To the Mr or Mrs or Miss Anonymous,
Perhaps getting confused by the commotion and the sudden standback against your stands of my show-offness? Suddenly from pinpointing your finger on the show-offness in me that you see to Joanna's statement about you being a chicken? Is it just confusion or is it that you just have a tendency to see everything from the negative side?
May I question you, you state that Joanna was a chicken as well because there are many Joanna's' in the world. So, for example, if her name was Joanna Tan, there are many Joanna Tan's' in the world. And if she puts her full name, Joanna Tan Ming Xin, for example, there are many Joanna Tan Ming Xin's' in the world. So, do you demand for her to put down in extreme micro-detail such as her name, her age, her sex, her identification card number, her address and deep down the the very depths of her personal details to deferentiate her from another Joanna?? And if so, aren't you supposed to do the same either? I can see that you are indeed, contradicting yourself. Is it confusion again, I ponder??
Indeed it may appear rude to you the way I phrase my sentences about that particular teacher but, isn't it better to come clean than to beat around the bush just to phrase it in another way the exact thing I am trying to imply? Do we have to beat around the bush when everything can end with a full stop with a simple displacement of going right to the point? Is it just confusion again that you are facing or is this just how your personality is to beat around the bush and preach your personality to me to beat around the bush like you as well to come off as "nice" about that particular teacher whereas my mind does not even speak the slightest bit so?? Is that what you are trying to imply here??
You don't see how this had turned into an arguement? For me it is not an arguement, it is simply a confliction of your opinion against my opinion. I daresay not to quote it as an arguement so fret not about it being an arguement or are you confused once more on my intentions and posts about your intentions?? Perhaps it has to be clarified. Blogging ethics are ethics in deed, nobody stated or ruled that they are rules and indeed if you can see, this is a blog unless you are confused once more whether this is a blog or not?? Oh dear, facing alot of confusion aren't we here?? Nevermind, you can be helped to surface from the midst of your tangles of confusions. Indeed you are criticising and I was only replying to your critism and clarifying to you that what it was, was simply my joy over my victory. Of course, you have to be excused as you are very confused indeed. I have a question to ponder, I wonder why are you so worked up over what we are worked up when you said you don't see what is there to get so worked up over this topic. Hmmmm...confused once more, Anonymous?
A very Happy Easter to you and God bless. (if you are Christian, oh well)