First of all, I don't blog to please people. I blog for my own self-amusement and treat it like a great big "book" on my life that is indexed for me to refer to next time. The whole point of a blog is to serve as a place for you to spew out whatever that is on your mind and not to please the readers. If everyone were to blog to please the readers, it wouldn't be a blog about his or her life or daily thoughts but it would be like a tabloid blog, it pleases the readers just because it's what they like to see and read and savor. You can call my post about me winning the best speaker thing, when I said, "guess who's the best speaker? Me, me, me and me!" as being proud or arrogant or stuck up but hey, this is my blog and the duty of my blog is to serve as a piece of my life, so I blog and phrase as I like. Whether you voice out your point of view or not, that's your personal problem. As far as it concerns me, I blog to how it suites me and not to please any readers.If I were to blog to please the readers, with constant piority to their point of view, others' point of views, I might as well shut down my blog and not blog because the whole main idea of a blog is for my daily gibberish and not gibberish that pleases readers. You can comment whatever you want but nothing will change my perspective of blogging to please and amuse myself and not the ordinary man. For those who have no idea what I am rambling about, refer to the chatbox.PS: I don't blog to please and amuse the ordinary man.