Enough is enough. This shall be settled. I come back home and look, there are even cuts and pastes on my blog comments. How come I get 100+ comments and yet my traffic increases by 3 readers only? Are these 3 readers responsible for the 100+ comments? This is no longer about supporting me or Josephine with a whole truck of comments. What that is between us will be settled between us. Josephine's a great person and so is Sui Hui, I don't think it is necessary for those who consider themselves a support to me, to criticize them either. I like Jo and Hui and Caroline. Neither side correct bah, neither side perfect, Form 2 also not perfect not correct. The lawyers and housewives and get back to group discussions instead of bombing the critics who are practicising their freedom of speech. Really got lawyers read my blog?? Well, yes first impression stands out as arrogant. No denial to that. If it rubs off on you guys then deepest appologies for that. Yes yes but is it arrogance to the core? Get to know me before you chomp on the outside. You know, both sides really free from what I can see. Traffic increase by like 2% only and got wow... 100+ comments. Blogger should have some kinda standard that uses IC to comment! MyKad! Be a Malaysian, make Malaysia proud.
Ya ya. As for Melanie Jerry's cucumber rumor, utterly crap. This no Nurin Jaslin case. I am quite sure no St. Teresa girl stuffs brinjals in or cucumbers or pineapples. Highly doubt it that Mel's the one typing the awful Bahasa Sarawak comments, should see her two-fingered typing... nearly killed me waiting (I hear more hoorays that I was almost killed). My assistants are not brainless gits either. If said that I support my own RC people and yet say I want to show I do a good job. Then, I would have hidden the whole case from the knowledge of the principal to show that "wow Gab can sure make her board perfect, no trouble at all" rather than point out that "they do this they do that they did that they did this". I don't know why got arguments on nasi lemak in the comments either. By the way, I never knew muslims use rice in their funerals. Racist not good! Malaysia! Perpaduan people!!! There's alot of unnessary false accusations shooting out from both sides. Yea, yea A bomb B, B bomb C, C bomb A. Round and round and round. From my point of view, mostly fake. All comment one after another (both sides). Got to take some lessons to cover tracks from Douglas. Then got Alexander Marvin taking a break to watch also. Funny guy or should I say monk. Hahaha.
Then then Nisha's hairy problem. I think she gonna blow over that. Liddat lah, everyone sign perjanjian pinky finger promise chant we all don't dye hair. Dye hair can die you know. Carcinogens. Google up about people who got habbits or crossing their arms or putting their hands into pockets, tells abit on their personality. Gotta walk alone lah, none of us council can do duty if we walk in packs. All different zones bah. Unless Amirah can drag people to walk with her lah to avoid her being kidnapped at church or St. Jude. Yup yup. I don't think people wanna kidnap us council in school grounds also. Wanna kidnap also no ransom to collect. Waste of time later, should go kidnap dustbins and then ask Pak Cik for ransom, Rm2.00 per dustbin. I think I get lamer and lamer each second.
Nah, no more comments forever. Have a feeling anything can turn into a war torn zone and later, wah go into The Star Online. Hahaha famous? Later New Strait Times also got. Wise old octopus Ced says best to close the comments. Bleh better obey Ced and Ced's pink blog due to Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October, that's why it is pink). Gotta check that one out. The things octopus can do...mesmerizes. I don't know Ced, but all that pink is a little overwhelming, kinda creepy especially the strawberries...why strawberries??? But pink on this post for you octopus! Okay, it's purple. Purple for Sam! Yeah, lucks for Sam for PMR. Back to the topic...
Nisha not so free to spread rumors, she's too busy spreading the word of the Bible. Hanizah, too busy singing Sons of St. Joseph except changing the lyrics to "***** ***, ***** ***, ***** ***" for all verses. Donkey gonna kill me (more hoorays). Me, not so free to spread also, need to polish piano okay, coating of dust already, composite man. People all comment, of course spread lah. Until ahem ahem "Star News" also know. How true is this Star News thingy?? Will google it up after exams. Melanie, too stress over RC Night to go spread. For the supposedly unfair judgement, jump into a few books first. I still disagree on that, I think left right up down east west north south also wrong. Short saying all sides also wrong, where got 200% or 100% right what. I never said I correct 100% or Monica or Ah Jo or Hui or Caroline. Suporters also. But commenters very free, can create janedoe90@hotmail.com account also. Jane Doe for murdered victims whose names unknown ah, dun class yourself under that lah. Pick something like mehategabrielle90@hotmail.com way less creepy.
Yep yep it's dinner time, bet you're hoping I'll choke on my dinner, if it pleases you I won't call for 911 or was it 991? I can't do CPR on myself either. I best be going. Ya ya. Once again, appologies for the arrogance (removal of it requires plastic surgeons). Maybe a Jay Chou look ten years ago lahh.