P1000240So as you can see, this is my hostel room in Sunway College. Twin-sharing. RM6300 per month and fully air conditioned.P1000247 Whereas this is the cafeteria in my college…P1000241 I brought this guy over to Kuala Lumpur with me… Anyway, that was all a hoax. That’s my hotel room in Coronade Hotel and Food Republic in Pavilion.IMG_1469 I did some shopping in Pavilion.IMG_1487 I ate by the roadside…IMG_1468 I went to Dome…P1000282 I went to a bar restaurant just to hear some old man sing… but I had carrot juice which, cost RM11.40… slit throat price but nice atmosphere.  01072009943 I took lots of photos of my sister and I because she insisted. We were standing in the middle of Pavilion while camwhoring *inserts sweat expression* and well, now I am in the lobby of Coronade Hotel. I paid RM10.00 to use the wi-fi service for 1 hour because you see, my greedy mum ate rambutans when she knows she can’t eat rambutans.