Update from Casa Subang

18072009967This is how my room looks like now. My roommate, Wun Yhee and I went to buy new curtains for our room. Nice leh but everyone who saw our room said that it is so pink.24072009975That is my roommate walking and one of my classmates, Daniel, sitting on the floor.
24072009978Then I got a mugshot taken in class during Physics. 24072009979Another of my classmates, Eric, who took the photo above.19072009968This week I made fried rice and invited Cordelia to join me for lunch that day.20072009971I made chicken porridge with mushrooms and cabbage.  25072009988This is my co-chef/dishwasher during the weekends. On weekdays, just my dishwasher who eats my cooking. Name shall remain undisclosed to maintain my mental health.24072009981On Friday, after college in the evening and grocery shopping, we made curry and vegetables. 25072009996Today, I fried long beans with eggs for dinner while my co-chef/dishwasher steamed fish. 25072009991 I boiled barley with red dates and winter melon today. I think it tastes great. ^_^V 25072009989This is how my fridge looks like. All of the food belongs to my roommate and I because only the two of us cook. Tomorrow I will be cooking spaghetti with tomatoes, mushroom, chicken and cheese for my classmate and dishwasher.