Hello! I've just came back from Tun Jugah, I bought a new watch from Ocean Watch. It's one of those stainless steel Swatch watches. I got my hair cut at Allan's also and I went to Lemon for brunch. I went to Bodyglove and Fila, I was hoping to find nice shorts, all so ugly. I'm sooo glad today is a holiday, no homework...phew. I'm going to websurf now so...I'll be back. I'm making some promo banner thingie at www.sitemeter.com . So...be right back, kay? I'm going to idreamofficial again, I'm one of the members there. I'm chatting with my cousin now, so long didn't chat with her. I'm soo bored...well...look who's here now...tsktsk. Ciao! Muakz, luv ya!