Whole weekend thrown at the computer. Living with it.
Should have read Physics?
I'm in thermal equilibrium with the computer.
Maybe Chemistry?
I'm made out of molecules just like the computer.
Biology perhaps?
I'm biologically unrelated to the computer.
The computer is eating me up.
So is education...
But I have to eat both up. Swallow it, digest it.
However, can defaecate out the computer but not education...WHY?
Year-end examinations are only a couple of blasted weeks away.
I realized SPM is next year. I haven't even relax and meditate enough from PMR!
'Urban legend' to perform well in exams:
1. Drink Brands' Chicken Essence the night before exams.
Hell yeah, that's only if you want to stay awake and burn midnight oil and fry out the next day. Smart.