Aaron is so adorable!!! Who wouldn't swoon at a face like that??? Hahaha! Anyway, I just got my braces fixed for my lower jaw last Thursday. Originally they were purple but just as I was about to get off the dental chair, one of the brackets fell off. So, they had to redo everything and there was no more purple bands left. So, the dentist went, "Petronas green ok ah!" I only have seven brackets fixed on my lower front jaw. If Sam had her braces done, I bet she would have purple brackets! Ah, I am such a loyal customer of Petronas Malaysia, wonder if they would give me special discounts next time when I visit the petrol station or if I get large sums of bonus if I ever work for Petronas Malaysia in years to come. Hmmmmmmmmm... *wonders*
That's all I have to say for today. Facing a very busy week ahead with mooting competition coming up this May. Wonder if Sarawak Club is ready for our dinner by May... butter prawns... *salivates*. Oh wait a second, having braces might ruin my appetite for delicious, buttery, creamy, scrumptious, juicy, mouth-watering butter prawns due to certain difficulties in chewing which, I will not mention. As Cedric had already complained about it being disgusting to his knowledge.
I had been posing around the place with recycle-able goods ranging from bags and bags of tin cans to heaps and heaps of towering ancient newspapers for my Moral kerja khursus. It's like I suddenly became a model and the government wants to see me, a model, *cough cough* doing some charity work of picking up scraps of litter and dropping it into the recycling bin with style and flair that would get me an A for my Moral kerja khursus.
Note of the day:
I am now fringe-ed!!! *ruffles hair proudly*