SPM 2008/2009

Abide the baking ban by my parents, I made a coconut soufflé today. Cocoa dusting. Can be classified as a baking disaster. Not up to French chef standard yet.

Rumor has it that SPM 2008/2009 results will be released this coming February 23rd? That would be a record since for the past years it was released during the early middle of March, about a week before STPM results are released. Heart pounding indeed.

I have that nagging feeling that I did not do so well for my SPM compared to my usual performance. Is it because I was sick (flu, sore throat, fever, cough, fainting and to the extend of visiting Timberland Medical Hospital at 6.00AM before Biology) during SPM? Or is that just an excuse? Paranoid or not I have no idea but I'll just stay positive for the time being. I suppose that when results are out, whether it is what I hope to get or not what I hope to get, I'll just see what I can do with it. I hope (beg) that my SPM results could be at least as nice as my SPM trial results. Stress.

I remember back then after I sat for PMR, I told Rhema I am getting 6As 1B for History. I told my mother too that I am getting 6As 1 B. Thank God that I got 7As when results were released.

Argh! I hope (beg) that my results will be what I hope to get if not then I hope (beg) that JPA comes up with a new policy to give full scholarships to more Chinese regardless of how many A's they had obtained in SPM. Double stress. I met a student yesterday who obtained 9A1s and 1B3 for Bahasa Melayu at MPH yesterday and apparently, this student is supposedly one of those expected to get straight A1s. However, rejected by JPA to pursue Medicine. Stress.

I saw a few newspaper clippings that JPA rejected a couple of post-SPM candidates with straight A1s or As. Triple stress. If anything should drop out of the sky, RM700000 would be just the nice amount to pursue the course of my choice. *keeps fingers crossed to strike jackpot in 6D*

On the bright side, I got an "award"...
The Blogger Cleverness Award

Awarded by
to Gabrielle