Weather forecast for the week is bad. Plain bad without any silver lining. BBC weather forecast just repeats the two words “thundery storm” on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and “light rain shower” on Wednesday. Since tomorrow’s the last day of my Easter break, there goes all plans to stroll by the seaside or visit harbours or chase after sheep. All that, looks like I have to push it to my winter break plans.
Rain drives me mad, staying indoors particularly when it’s a holiday today. However, since the rain at night wasn’t that heavy, what could be better than a warm bowl of spicy miso based ramen with boiled egg, pork and seaweed at a Japanese ramen shop for a $12.00 treat?
Gyoza in Japanese or jiaozi in Chinese (which means fried dumplings) with rice.
Cake at a bakery’s window display.
Another good treat on a rainy day, gelato down by the city harbour. Feeling brave, I tried mango yogurt and coconut and rum gelato. Wasn’t all that bad, mango yogurt was nice. Coconut and rum was… interesting.
This “Dance Dance Revolution” thing is just so… awfully… *inserts adjective*…