#55: Colours & Japanese

#55: bright sunshine yellow and bright cobalt blue

Just finished a one hour MEDSCI142 lecture from 9AM to 10AM, my only class for the day. Searched  through the entire street for a pair of gold flats to replace the pair that was ruined. Fruitless efforts. In tomorrows post, I shall post up photographs of what I bought instead as a substitute.
Over the holidays last month, I crafted a little cobalt blue jacket out of cheap felt just to fill up time. Unfortunately, the felt got a little furry after some time.IMG_8803
Black and white.
Not so black and white view of my uber colourful lecture notes, biology classes feel a lot like art classes. Heaps of drawing and colouring on what that look rather like colouring books.IMG_8789
New snack that I discovered on the streets, egg cake for $4. Has been placed in my list of Top 5 favourite street snacks here in Auckland city.
Japanese curry for $5 and those bits and pieces (spring rolls, croquette, etc.) cost and additional $1 more or less each.
Japanese sweet red bean pastry in the shape of a fish for $1.IMG_8819
And to wrap up, we made wraps for dinner.