Exams are over!
Exams are finally over! Relief! You should have seen exam week, people crying, people screaming, peopling whining...etc..etc. My uncle bought a new dog, a Basset Hound named Floppy. Really adorable.I saw it last Sunday and it's five weeks old. He got two rabbits as well, Bubbles and Bunny. I don't know which is which, didn't bother. You know, the strangest thing happened. Last week Friday, I practice my piano and I got scolded cos I played horribly and this week, I didn't practice at all and....the teacher was lke, "you improved lots this week." I was like...""*jaw-dropping*. I'm giong to be showering, sleeping, bryushing my teeth in school on the 7,8,9 June...why? Red Crescent Leadership Camp. I'm one of the assistant leaders and doing some Search and Rescue thing.