Went for Red Crescent camp briefing today. They brief on what to bring and what not to bring..etc..etc.The seniors taught us leaders and assistant leaders some marching commands and etc, etc. Marching is actually kind of addictive just like Corde said. I got to practice my marching, hadn't actually mastered it yet. On the 6th of June, I got to go to school to clean up the ground floor classroom for the camp and some SAR (Search and Rescue) briefing. Corde, Lilian and I planned on practising bandaging on each other. I can't even remember a single method. Puan Tan is supervising us at the camp, she's sleeping over with us. She gets to sleep in the Sick Room, and there is a bed in there. The 3 of us went to look for Miss Tan to find out about our Geografi marks. I found out mine as well. I made 3 stupid mistakes in the Kemahiran Geografi section. So far, I already know my Maths, Science and Geografi marks. So far, those 3 are pretty okay. (5 for maths, 90 for Science and Geografi but I heard that KH according to our KH teacher, Puan Wong, only 12 peple got A and the highest is 90 which, is Chai Yi Ying. Wonder how would KH turn out to be....I just got some stuff I needed for camp. No electronics allowed in camp...wonder how some people would survive. Ugh, the chess members going to Terengganu for some chess competition get to stay in a resort! Going to watch Posoidon (is that the spelling?) tomorrow and Da Vinci soon. Speaking of movies, I finally watched I Not Stupid Too 2. Got a new DVD player. I tell you, if you didn't cry at it, you are probably heartless. Everyone agrees that those who didnt cry are probably heartless. The taekwondo club had a combined telematch today. They were like monkeys I tell you. Running up and down and banging things and jumping on the ledge of the canteen, rattling shutters and gutters while we were practicing marching. They kept running and weaving in and out between us. Now I get why some people say martial arts trains monkeys and produce monsters....Personally, I don't favor martial arts so much. Bores me out easily, I think that Red Crescent is my favourite so far.