I personally think it is quite stupid to get a scholarship that only pays for your A Levels. After you finish your A Levels, where are you going to get the pounds to pay your university fees. Studying in England costs a bomb. Not that you can leave England after all, British A Levels syllabus are different. Sure enough if you are smart and lucky enough, some university in England might offer you another scholarship. If not, doomed lah. Stuck in the middle of no where.
They were promoting medicine at England. Claimed that United Kingdom is the best place to do medicine and that Cardiff Sixth Form College offers A Levels for medicine. Funny thing is that Cardiff is at the bottom of the list of top colleges or university in the world. I did plenty of research at different rank pages. Moscow State University is a better pick for medicine, cheaper and higher ranked. Not a very classy place, of course compared to other European countries. Click to see.
I have no respect at all for these college and university promoters that come to Saint Teresa's Secondary to promote their university. Business scams. All nonsense. They talk about the courses they offer, how good their university is and not about the course itself. I see no point in listening to all these nonsense from all these speakers because I don't see how the long speech about University/College X helps me to decide if I want to be this or that.
There was only one speaker I came across, some man with a PhD from Swinburne, that didn't talk rubbish. Why? Because he was the one and only speaker that ever came to our school who actually explained about courses and did not even mention a thing about the university he represented. That one did get my respect.
The rest just talked a whole load of rubbish