Adam & Eve Wau Project
Okay, out of the blues this morning, a bombshell fell. Confession...ohhhh noo...I couldn't remember how to do the whole thing. Okay, I admit, I make one rather lousy Catholic. So Kristen and I were like "how, how, how to say the thing already?". Kristen asked some St. Jude tuition teacher that she knew and he replied her, "Kristen! How could you! How can you be a nun if you can't even do a simple confession! I'm busy, I don't have time for this!" Okay...went to church, I got the book from the back and started to memorize the thing. But when I went into the confession room, I forgot bits here and there and Father Albert was like laughing at me. Then, I went back to Science lab after that. Then we had P.Seni. We had to complete our wau corak. So last week, I drew that corak (look at the picture above). So, Michelle was like, "how to cut???" End up teacher told us to trace the corak I drew onto the wau. So, Rhema and I did the tracing. Despite how many times Rhema traced her side (the darker side), nothing appeared on the white wau. I traced once, and everything went onto the wau. Then after tracing, we couldn't decide what to draw to fill up the space. Rhema suggested a butterfly, so I was doodling on the wau. I told her, lets draw a butterfly sliced into half. And Rhema, apparently thinking sideways, got a completely different idea of what I drew and said it look like butterflies busy at 'something'. Then since our pattern looked like something out of Adam and Eve, we were laughing and saying that the apple was missing so I drew an apple then...ahem...modified the apple to have a toilet bowl and a worm on top of it. Unfortunately, I forgot that worms didn't have legs, and I ended up drawing what Rhema called as a centipede. End up, our final pattern for that corner was a pumpkin with long winding vines and leaves. Then today, Puan Tan was telling us the story about the "amy guy in the sampan". Everyone was like laughing. I got my aural on Wednesday for to look for a topic to blab on. Apparently, thinking about using the same piece of paper about cloning that I use every year since Form 1 to Form 2.