First and foremost, I don't give a damn if this post gets me labeled as unreasonable. There's a fingernail-sized chip on my RM15,000 piano and I want a piano refinishing. I don't give a bloody damn even if it costs more than RM5000 or double the price (maybe I do care but I am too angry to care). Go jump into the Grand Canyon if anyone thinks I am throwing a fuss over nothing. You think a chip on a piano nothing?? You think demanding for a refinishing as being unreasonable?? You think the price of the refinishing is unreasonable?? Curse and swear at my current attitude only if you are in my shoes or in the piano repairman's shoes, staring at the chip on the piano and knowing how much work was done previously on the finishing.
Does anyone know how tedious it is to refinish the piano? How much manual work is taken to remove the old layer of lacquer, sandpaper it down and then beeswaxing, sanding and spraying between coats and finishing it off with gloss lacquer?? Does anyone know that the whole process take up to 8 weeks?? Not to forget either machine or hand polishing? Still think RM5000 for refinishing is remarkably ridiculous? If anyone still does, go refinish a piano till tip top condition and come back and tell me RM5000 is too much. Can you see the image clearly now how a piano would look like if part of its black finishing was chipped off? Have a view of your own of the price list here.
I am going to stay pissed and throw a public temper display until I get my piano refinished. *Slams phone on table* Anyone thinks I need anger management classes yet? I think I do.