Despite the eczema on the left jaw line area of my face, I met up with some friends at The Spring today. I’ll just let the photos do most of the talking. We all met up at Sugarbun.
They dared me to try on the ugliest possible outfit in Factory Outlet Store. Mind you, the skirt was entirely sequined. So Geylang. That’s what I will be wearing on my first day in Sunway College.
Basically, we went around shopping. There was kind of a buzz going on about taking photos of a G-string to show to Esther since she had no idea what it was. Anyway, MNG has a up to 50% sale! Got so many nice tops but unfortunately it’s quite pointless for me to buy them since they’re not very practical for college.
Another group shot. This picture looks so colourful. I look a bit like a Japanese ghost or those Chinese opera ghosts.