A fifty cent coin-sized dark green bruise appeared after I got my blood drawn
I went to Kuching Specialist Hospital to get my medical check up done two days ago. I had a chest x-ray done, blood and urine test done, my blood pressure taken (my BP at resting state is 116/63) and physical examination. I personally think that the hospitality at Kuching Specialist Hospital isn’t as good as the other private hospitals in Kuching. Weather is getting hotter and hotter. I’ve caught a mild sore throat and a fever. It’s been all over the news that the El Nino is going to affect Malaysia around August and the temperature at Perak is estimated to hit 40 degrees Celcius. Looks like things are going to get overheated.
And I have switched from Digi to Celcom. Currently, I have three sim cards and one mobile phone. What a headache. So, I am going to get a second phone, something cheap and probably really ancient.