First of all, why why why did my dad have to book such an early flight?? A 10.30am Air Asia flight. Only chickens fly at that hour. I complained to Perry about it and he claimed that 7.30am is an early flight whereas 10.30am is a late flight. Mercy mercy mercy, I only get up when I hear my neighbors' kuali(s) clanking, indicating that it is lunch hour and high time for me to crawl out of bed. Okay, I admit I am envious of those people who can get up as early as chickens without even having to set an alarm clock. I guess it is in their blood to do so.
I have not studied for six god-forsaken days. I guess I am suppose to pay back those days of enjoyment spent at camp, running amok like a brain-diseased fellow. Easier said than done anyway. I shall pack my beloved (I try to psycho myself to love it as much as possible) History textbook with me to Kuala Lumpur. Then I shall read it in the plane, an attempt to look angelic and studious. Also as an excuse to avoid chitchatting with any annoying little old ladies who end up sitting next to me. @%$# Air Asia for their free-seating rule.
I got a mental shopping list unfurling itself in my mind currently. I especially want new flip flops. My bloody Body Glove flip flops gave me four bloody blisters on my feet (no thanks to RCYU#3 which ran out of plasters until I had to dress my blisters up with gauze and roller bandages) and at least Chan was nice enough to lend me his Billabong flip flops for the rest of camp (after boasting about how Billabong rocks). I think I am starting to agree with Ashley Lee on his opinion about Body Glove. Burn those bloody flip flops that burned RM22.00 from my wallet.
Anyway, I hate packing and I best be doing some last minute packing now.