It's Chinese New Year, I got so little ang paus.
He leh?
"I got RM700. You want to see?"
"I got an ang pau so big that my ma confiscate it. Picture RM50, multiplied by two, then multiplied by five and then multiplied by two again."
Blithering donkey who called me a blithering cat.
Blithering Perry Tan!
I waaaaant my fish and he's buying it for me.
Last Monday, like the Chinese say, si beh soi.
Sat next to this blithering donkey. Not so bad lah.
But this deranged donkey held my essay up so freaking high with two fingers.
Cheryl began to snigger into her sleeve.
Then, this crazy donkey drinks water just like a camel. Two litres of water per one second.
He ends his drinking with a great, big belch.
Lucky he doesn't fart after he drinks.
He probably doesn't know his bladder is of limited storage.
Visits the toilet so often that he spends a ratio of 2 hours in the toilet and 1 hour out of it.