Woke up at 7.00AM today to get ready for the six hours long driving talk. Instructor came by my house in his Mercedes-Benz at 8.00AM. Then he picked up two other boys and drove us to the institute.
I met Siw Hua and Azfarina at the institute. Luckily this time I had company. I sat with Siw Hua during the talk. The talk started at 9.50AM. The man giving the talk gave us a half an hour break at 10.50AM. But it ended up as a one hour break and resumed again at 11.50AM. The man finished his talk at 12.15PM. He rounded it off with some stupid flash movie until 12.30AM. So much for six hours.
Instructor shipped Boy I off to Parkson, a girl off to her home, Boy II off to his friend's house and finally me back to my home.
My very first driving lesson will be this coming 2nd January 2009. Not very excited.