Tagged by Victor Chin

1. Who & what is your relationship with the last person who tagged you?
Citizens of Malaysia.

2. Do you know what is true love?
Living happily ever after, before marriage lots of "sweet talk", after marriage lots of "get lost".

3. Who did you recently hang out with in MSN?
Either Perry or Stefan (both several days ago)

4. What is your relationship with him/her?Them?
Victim (them) and torturer (me)

5. Who is your beloved pet sis?
My sister is a pet nor is my pet a sister.

6. Who are u still in love with?
Everybody I feel like still loving.

7. Why do you create a blog?
Because of Kristen Chew Ying in 2004.

8. You know your blog sucks?
Yes because it can't chew.

10. Who are you having relationships with now?
My one and only fabulous God (God-worshiper), my family (father-daughter, mother-daughter, sister-sister), my friends (friend-friend), my dog-to-be (pet-owner), my victims (victim-torturer) and the pet donkey across the road (master and barn animal).

11. No question.

12. 5 tags goes to :


13. Who is number 1? (Stefan)
A girl (with half a heart) who will receive a miniskirt tailored by me out of tissue papers.

14. What about number 3? (Perry)
A boy with braces who is quite the "beancurd".

15. Do number 5 love number 1? (Stefan & Andrea)
Unrequited love.

16. Number 2 siapa? (Amy)
Linkin Park's number one fanatic fan, Usain Bolt's fan, Michael Phelps obsessed, Gabrielle's buddy.

17. Do u have any relationship with number 4? (Gavin)
Used-to-be tuition mates?

18. Main reason why you did this tag.
Tagged by some kid.