Rules & Regulations:
Do not copy answers
Tag questions must be 100% same
Tag people before doing the tag
I tag:
1. Bruce Wong
3. Perry
4. Amy
5. Chong
7. Cordelia
8. Hansley
9. Siw Hua
How do you know 1? (Bruce Wong)
Chemistry tuition.
What would you do if you never meet 2? (Andrea "Monkey" Lau)
Find another person to label as Monkey.
What would you do if 3 & 4 dated? (Perry & Amy)
Say "padan muka" to Amy.
Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?(Chong & Stefan)
How am I supposed to know?
Do you think 7 is attractive? (Cordelia)
It sounds wrong for a girl to call another girl attractive.
Tell me something about 9 (Siw Hua)
Slaps people (very hard) when she laughs.
Slaps people (very hard) when she laughs.
What's 1's favourite past time? (Bruce Wong)
Chasing girls from Bible Class.
What language does 2 speak? (Andrea "Monkey" Lau)
English and I don't know what other language.
Who is 3 going out with? (Perry)
Females and males.
How old is 4? (Amy)
When was the last time you talked to 5? (Chong)
I last saw her on Sunday. I last contacted her on Monday.
Who is 6's favourite singer? (Stefan)
The Simpsons. Is that counted?
Would you date 7? (Cordelia)
That's so wrong.
Is 8 single? (Hansley)
Maybe? I'll let Hansley answer that on his own.
What's 9's last name? (Siw Hua)