01 Who was your last text from ?
The poppiah stall waiter, Stefan Lim
02 Where was your default picture taken?
Kuala Lumpur
03 Your relationship status?
04 Have you ever lost a close friend?
05 What is your current mood?
Neutral and sleepy
06 How many siblings do you have?
07 Whats your brother(s) or sister(s) name?
08 Where do you wish you were right now?
In bed, sleeping
09 Have a crazy side?
Maybe, perhaps, who knows?
10 Ever had a near death experience?
Not that I recall of
11 Something you do a lot
Watch the television
12 Angry at anyone
Not at the moment
13 What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
Not going for anyone currently
14 When was the last time you cried?
A long time ago probably
15 Is there anyone you would do anything for?
16 What you think about when you are feeling asleep?
17 Who was the last person you talked to on the phone
18 What is your favourite song?
For The First Time
19 What are you doing right now
Answering this tag
20 Who do you trust right now
People that I trust
21 Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
22 Have you kissed someone in the past week?
23 Who is your friend that lives closest to you?
Franklin? Rhema?
24 Describe your life in a word
25 Who are you thinking of right now?
Nobody in particular
26 What should you be doing right now?
Answering this tag
27 What are you listening to?
Voices from the television
28 Who was the last person you gave a hug?
Nishanti at Topshop
29 Who was the last person who yelled at you?
Not certain
30 Do you act differently around the person you like?
Do I?
31 What is your natural hair colour?
Dark brown
32 Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Not too sure, Stefan? Jonas? Theodora? Perry? Rhema?
33 Who was the last person that made you sad?
Don't know
34 What do you hear
Peace and quiet
35 Is your hair curly or straight
36 Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" face?
Edible face? Weird. No.
37 Do you have a best friend?
I prefer calling them close friends
38 Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?
39 Do you use smiley face on your computer?
40 Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
41 Are you happy with your life now?
42 Are you currently jealous?
No reason to be jealous currently
43 What jewellery are you wearing?
White gold necklace with a cross and a topaz pendant
44 What are you doing on Friday night?
Routine web-cam conversing with Perry and chatting with several others
45 Have you ever had your heart broken
It is made of duralumin and magnalium. Heart of steel. Heh.
46 Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I didn't just break it, I blended it. Heh. Lame.
47 Is there anyone you're really disappointed right now?
48 What was the last reason you went for the doctor for?
49 How late did you stayed up last night and why?
1.00AM, routine Saturday phone call with rich-spoiled-brat-who-is-in-Australia. Heh.
50 Have you dated someone longer than a year?
I hereby tag these few unfortunate souls... cheers
1. Perry
2. Theo
3. Josephine
4. Sean
5. Andrea
6. Popiah Waiter
7. Gavin+his new partner, Vincent