The Red Crescent Youth Unit 8 camp was tiring but fun. I wanted to go for tuition yesterday after the camp but by 7pm, I was already in bed. So much for tuition.Here's what that happened at camp.
Day 1
So the leaders and assistant leaders for the camp had to be there early at school time, so I reached there at aroung 6.40am and I was the first to arrive. Then, Cordelia arrived. She was the leader for Group3 and I was the assistant leader. Then, we stuck up the Friendly Reminder notice that I printed on the classroom door and we continued to make a 'dressing room' for our group and for Group 4. (Group 1 and Group 2 shared class 3A7 and Group 3 and Group 4 shared class 4A1). Then later, we all grouped at the St. Jude basketball court. It was the group leaders' turns today to do reporting to the camp commander, Natasha who was also our HSL. Then it was group sorting. In my group (3 or as we named ourselves because our group colour was yellow, Busy Bees) was Adeline Azreena, Emily, Joyce and Nabila.We had to make our own group cheer and moto. Then, it was ice breaking time. First game was you had to draw your own face then the facilitators collect it and redistribute it and you had to find and guess the person's face and ask 3 questions. Next some game when you had to eat bread. Then it was refuel (I taught my group members some basic First Aid and bandaging and Cordelia taught them some basic marching during refuel.) then lunch. My group had to clean up the canteen and another group cleaned up the toilets. Later in the noon, we had a talk but I had to leave because I had a dental appoinment at 3.30 and I was back at 4.00pm. When I returned, they were playing this game when you had to imagine that you were on a ship and there was an explosion and you had to write a love letter to your loved ones. Then later, it was shower time then dinner time. My group, once again had to clean the toilet and walked out of the school to the dumpster to dump the rubbish. Then we had a First Aid talk by this Form6 RC member, Norman Goh who brought along his cousin to become a demo. He was really good at this First Aid stuff. He talked about what to do during certain situations and some bandaging and loading the stretcher and so forth. Bef
Day 2
So after the talk, we leaders and assitant leaders suspected that there would be SAR early in the morning today, told our members and viola! We were right! At 3pm they woke up us, shouting that it was SAR an dget up at go to the music room. Sleepy-eyed, everyone dragged on their RC t-shirts, Adeline and I grabbed my jacket and Cordelia grabbed her belt so that we would have stuff to improvise with later at SAR. So group by group went. When it was our turn, we were blindfolded and then lead to the kindergarten where we were unblindfolded and then Natasha let us listen to this recording of the scene twith people screaming, shouting for help and a gunshot. Then there was a scream and we all had to rush to the scene. I was the leader for SAR so I had to tell them to clear the scene, to do this and that and I had to check on them and do the phone call. Vicky said that I did good at SAR (?) and that it was good that I could give First Aid talks at the scene (?) although in my opinion I wasn't very sure what to do and they said that I should have done some of the the bandaging myself but it was my first time after all and I wasn't even sure if I was allowed to bandage poeple up. Our group came in 3rd for SAR with 2 saved casualties. Group1 and 3 saved 2 casualties and group 1 and 4 saved one casualty. SAR was a big 'kelam-kabut' scene. I only had 2 seniors in my group, Cordelia and Adeline. They did well but th rest...*slaps head*, they tried their best but it was really really hard and frustrating to get them to do things. One of my group members screamed at a 'passer-by' to shut up and marks got cut off. I told her to do an armsling after I improvised and she just tied the arm to the casualty's body *sigh*. After it was over, we got back to our dorm at around 5am and everyone went back to sleep except me and woke up at 6 again. Puan Tan sold breakfast that day. Sandwiches and burgers. There was no reporting for us assistant leaders today because the committee was too sleepy and tired from waking up before 3pm to prepare for the SAR. Yay! I was worried about reporting. Then, we had a history talk about RC at the canteen. Then, later some aerobics which, was really fun especially with Debra leading it. Then, we had lunch and then the obstacle course. It was fun, I actually drank bittergourd juice mixed with sprite. Blekkk....I didn't know what was that until they said it was bittergourd juice. It was like my taste buds were destroyed. I had one sip then later, no taste after that, so I drank it all up. Finally it was flour and eggs toss. Ugh! Hard to get it egg and flour off after that. But it was fun. I got my mum over to get my dirty laundry home. Then, we had post-mortem in the music room after dinner and shower. Then, a game where we had to make a sketch or sing with every sentence the word we were given must be included. My group got the word 'kuda kepang'. I like the committee's sketch about their word 'pisang'. Then abit of aerobics again then lights out at 12.
Day 3
Day to go home...sobsob! At 3pm today, we got woken up by the commitee for fire drill. Then we all went back to sleep again like stones. Because footdrill was today, Cordelia and I woke our group up at 5pm for some marching.First, some reporting by the leaders. Then...ahah! Time for aerobics and because I and a few other people forgot to wear our tags yesterday, we were supposed to lead the aerobics but somebody must have prayed really hard for that not to happen until the radio refused to function. Lol. After that it was hot and cold chair time. What said I'm not supposed to repeat it here so shhhhhh, nothing from my mouth. Then we had more marching practices. After lunch at 2, it was marching competition. Group 4 won. There marching was really good. They were the only group that did paras. Cordelia and I decided to cut out paras because our platun kept screwing up paras. So we only did the basics. At the marching, our platun, nobody said the timing except Adelien adn I because we knew that was happening, both of us planned to shout it out when nobody said it. Then we got to march with the committee. They march like wow! Then it was prize-giving. Best group went to Group 4, I got best leader, Best Form1 member was Crystal, Best Form2 member was Adeline (she was really great, I have a feeling that she would be a good RC leader when it's her time), best marcher was Crystal, Estella got Friendlest member (I think that was the award). Then it was photo-taking then clean up and time to go home.
Well, that was all. Camp was fun. I would certainly go for the next one. Despite how my feet and arms ache from the numerous marching practices we pulled.