A Monday Morning

I said it. I conclude.

seconds off fingers. Worth it.

Squabbles, bullying, blackmailing, threatening. I'm exaggerating.
Still very, very worth it. Yawns.
I am owed a lot of things. Manhattan's, a shopping spree and the list goes on. Gluttonous me.
I popped a bubble today. Metaphorically. I sent him into a state of shock just when he was about to conk off. Good.
*Rubs hands gleefully*

I went to INTI College today for the Game Design course with Rhema and Linda. We used the Software Engineering Lab there and a man called Tay taught us how to design our own Pacman. My Pacman shot burgers out of its' mouth. Unsuspected eh? I call it the Burger Shooting Pacman. Wait till the world sees our Beca Racers game. Fantastic-ness.

Sure, sure. It was one very amusing course but now let's move on to what happened during Physics tuition just now. There's brief history on how Perry and Cheryl love fighting for that seat in class next to me. Tuition starts at 6.30 pm every Monday evening. Perry shows up at 5.45 pm most of the Mondays. Cheryl rushes in at 6.00 pm and throws her tantrums *stamp, stamp, stamp* when she sees him in that seat. I on the other hand, lazily swing in at 6.15 pm and lazily sit down regardless of who it is beside me, be it Cheryl or Perry.

Today, it is a holiday. Yes, indeed it is. Crazy Cheryl rushed to tuition today at 5.30 pm and she was probably feeling victorious when Perry came in at 5.50 pm, only to discover that there's another bum in his seat. Did I mention that Crazy Cheryl lives behind that tuition center?? I feel so honored that there are crazies flocking around me.