My complete first term examination results are out today.
Bahasa Melayu- 82% (A2)
History- 84% (A2)
Moral Studies- 88% (A1)
Additional Mathematics- 91% (A1)
Modern Mathematics- 96% (A1)
Chemistry- 93% (A1)
Physics- 90% (A1)
English and Science for Technology- 87% (A1)
Biology- 70% (B3)
English- 81% (A2)
I made the silliest mistakes in most papers. I did a post-mortem on my exam papers and I observe that I am not that good at subjects that require a lot of memorizing like Biology and History. Though I did read one section in the Biology paper wrongly about the flow of the blood.
I am never very good at Bahasa Melayu, just average so that's a fine score for me although I would have preferred to get 85% but nevermind. EST's fine. English, oh wow, what should I say? This is the first time I have ever gotten anything below 88% for English. I guess Miss Susie is awfully strict. Amazingly, 81% came off as the highest mark in class. I mean like... what??
As for Moral studies, I scrapped full marks or almost full marks in questions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 but unfortunately, in question 1, I only scored a 3 out of 10. Why? They asked about what moral value should this girl who started taking drugs after her boyfriend dumped her, have. I answered reasonableness. My mum's retort when I complained about why reasonableness cannot be accepted was...
Mum: You can't use reasonableness. Let's say I take drugs, can you tell me to be reasonable at taking drugs? Oh, don't take 500 grams of drugs, take only 5 grams, be reasonable! Or I want to kill somebody, you tell me to be reasonable. So I can tell you I'll just stab the person a bit but not kill the person so I am being reasonable. If it's wrong then it cannot be reasonable.
As for Chemistry, Physics, Additional Mathematics and Mathematics, a chock full of careless mistakes. But I guess it's fairly fine for me.
Puan Carol Yap, a Biology teacher stopped me today and said these words to me,
"I saw the pictures of your feet on your blog!!!"