We passed up our Physics test paper. Suddenly, I realized something and it hit me like a ton of bricks. NOOOOO!!!
There were two wooden blocks of equal weight submerged separately in two liquids of different densities. One was submerged in a denser liquid, less volume was submerged. The other was submerged in a less dense liquid, more volume was submerged.
First thing that hit me was, buoyant force in the first was greater than the later. Second thought subconsciously hit me afterwards, buoyant force was equal!
mg= Vpg
The increase in submerged volume is canceled out by the decrease in density and vice versa.
But I wrote GREATER THAN in my test paper! That means I probably lost a worthy 5 marks.
This is a half paper. That means 5 marks is probably 10 marks. Cries. There goes my hopes for beating my personal score of 97% for Physics. NOOOOOOOO!!!
To think of it, I have a gut feeling I plotted my graph for Additional Mathematics and Modern Mathematics wrongly. Did I? Paranoia I hope.
It was Syed Syeikh but in my History paper, I wrote Syeikh Syed. Sobs.