Smack That Rat

We started designing our game for the tournament today. It was supposed to start at 8.00 am but unfortunately, Rhema overslept and only showed up at 9.10 am and in the midst of waiting, Linda watched sappy Korean sob stories. I, on the other hand, tried to finish off my BM essay.

So, you must be wondering how did our game designing go. I must say, it went pretty... terribly. First of all, we were rather new and clueless to the software. Second, we were too lazy to read the tutorials or browse through the help index. Quote Perry: "Phailure".

Basically, we designed our game by trial and error and obviously, it was a failure. Things just zoomed like mad in and out of the screen and all sorts of other weird transitions. Amusing but nevertheless, not very useful.

So, we gave up and decided to fool around with the software instead. Rhema targeted events for the rat, I added in Smack That by Akon as the background music and tiled the room with a sky layout and Linda eagerly waited for her chance to test-play.

The outcome was a rat dancing or rather, moonwalking to Smack That by Akon in the sky. Success eh? I call it the
Smack That Rat game.