
Lions Nursing Home
My class had a field trip to Lions Nursing Home as part of our Post-PMR programe. Before we left the school, I got stung by a bee and oddly, it never swelled up. Then, when we entered the bus we were taking to the Home, there was loud and horrible Malay music blasting loudly. A couple of my classmates wanted to change to radio station to the Chinese station whereas some wanted and Esther wanted Light & Easy. Okay, what have I got to say about Lions Nursing Home? It was definitely a pretty decent place for the elderly to stay at. We gave them biscuits and got the opportunity to chit-chat with them. Then, we were told by our teacher to entertain them by singing. And what did we sing? Our school rally, one verse of Jingle Bells and one verse of Rasa Sayang. That part was hillarious. After that, we toured around the carpark of the Kuching International Airport. Weird... Anyway, today's the last day of school but I still have to come to school on the 9th of November for the Prize Giving Day rehersal and on the 10th of November for the actual Prize Giving Day. I'm free now! FREEDOM!