Chef and Nuts

Just when I got rid of a digital pest, I settled down cross-legged to do some History notes on boring Islam history. Just finished three pages of notes in a really ugly notepad which, was mutated by an even uglier Body Glove sticker back when I was fourteen, I heard a voice coming from the kitchen...

Asking for my assistance to shell some weird Chinese nuts for some Chinese dessert. I think it's called the Five Treasure soup?? Like that matters, after all, what goes into the mouth comes out from the other end.

So, I shelled a gazillion of these nuts. A very boring and almost never-ending cycle of shelling and tossing them into a bowl.

Then, nature's bidding comes...

"I have to go to the toilet," I declared, tossing the nut into the bowl, making a dash to the toilet (PS: I am lactose intolerant) and never returning to the kitchen.

That is one good reason why restaurants should never hire me as a chef...