Love is like grapefruits. When you look for 'grapefruits' you like to pick the right 'grapefruit' for you. So, you spend ages at the fruit stall, surveying every single 'grapefruit' until you find the perfect one. But aiyah, sometimes so sad. No good 'grapefruits'. What to do? Either you walk away from the stall or just don't care and go home empty handed or go home with any random 'grapefruit' good or bad. Then, if the 'grapefruit' is rotten, throw in the dustbin. If its a good 'grapefruit' eat it, digest it and uh... defaecate?
This is a counter post to Jonas' post on Trick or Treat?. Seems like it is always the guy who gets all work out on a crisis to tell the girl if he likes her or to not tell that he likes her, remain in secrecy eh? Well, it seems like confessing has turned into a guy's job. Seems the girl would prefer to sit back, relax, shake their legs and enjoy watching the guy getting tongue-tied trying to figure out a way to tell her that he likes her. Then, the girl might be giggling behind the guy's back and then turning around and tell him, "aiyah, try again next time."
Telling a girl that he likes her, is a typical guy crisis, I would say from my point of view. Let's say a guy tells a girl that he likes her and the girl has absolutely no interest in him, the girl might be thinking, "dumbass!". Let's say the guy does not tell the girl that likes her and the girl has interest in him, the girl might be thinking, "dumbass!" too. The irony of the complication of confessing...
Typical worst nightmare confessing scenes a girl might provide...
Scene 1 The Curser
Guy: Uh...err...ummm... I like you.
Girl: Holy shit! Go to hell!
Scene 2 The Polite One
Guy: Uh...err...ummm... I like you.
Girl: I'm sorry. I am not interested.
Scene 3 The Runner
Guy: Uh...err...ummm... I like you.
Girl: *runs away at speed of light* AAAAAAAAH!!!
Scene 4 The Ignorer
Guy: Uh...err..ummm... I like you.
Girl: Eh, you got watch football yesterday? Arsenal won ah!