"PS: i don't think you did much good either. Muahahaha."
- Doug said...
"I have done something good in my life!! Like, for instance...erm... picking up 1 cent from the floor and gave it to the pitiful guy playing the guitar at the entrance to Parkson (counts as something GOOD, I don't care!)
What good did YOU do, huh, Gabby?"- Gabrielle said...
"I picked up RM1 and gave it to the blind man. Muahahhaha beats your 1 cent. I have done goooood!"
The moral of the story is, always make sure that you pick the largest possible digit when trying to boast about your good deed, donating money to the needy.
"Don't worry Perry, you have my sympathy and empathy, for i will mourn for your ill-fated death resulting from food poisoning. all the good you have done in this life (wad good?) and the good you will do in the after-life (NOT!) would be cherished and remembered for all the time to come...
if i have the time, that is.... (most of the times too lazy)
P.S.: heard this in a funeral i attended... sounds cliche, though...."