She was online, he was online.
He blabs on about some story he wrote, about a character in it who laid on a bed in the Intensive Care Unit with a skull that had bullet fragments and was sawed open by his lover.
She listened patiently and kindly, thinking he is delirious, delusional and deranged.
He blabs on, completely oblivious. MEN.
She listens dutifully, humming a random tune.
Few moments later...
Her mobile phone message alert rings. Surprised, she gets up from her chair and checks her phone. There was a picture message from him. It was a picture of a half eaten peach. She reads the text below the picture, casts a disgruntled look at her phone and decides he was even more delirious, delusional and deranged than she thought. She shakes her head and glanced up at the heavens darkly and muttered very sourly,
I am living testimony.
PS: I just heard "So Sick of Love Songs-Female Version" by Neyo's ex-girlfriend. Her comeback against his "So Sick of Love Songs" song. He sings that he is sick of love songs and she sings that she is sick of his love songs. *Chortles in own self-amusement*