I hereby propose that men should be the more domesticated one between the two genders. Since majority of men are well-known hairstylists, chefs, fashion designers, makeup artists and so forth, why not just domesticate them and turn them into househusbands?
It has always been 'tradition' that women should know how to cook and it's fine for men to not know how to cook. I presume that's why the Malaysian education system insists that in Kemahiran Hidup (direct translation to English simply screams "Basic Living Skills") subject, there quite a number of chapters of Ekonomi Rumah Tangga (direct translation seriously yells "Pre-Housewife Training") that is compulsory for female students to study in Form 1,2 and 3. I was forced to study that for three long and torturous years. Forced to learn how to sew all kinds of weird stitches, memorize the ingredients used in traditional delicacies and the list goes on. Male students get to study the the accounts and trade part of KH instead. Gender discrimination I should say...
Hence, I conclude that it's high time the Malaysian government make male students take up ERT instead. So they will have a line of "cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang" future househusbands in the country.
Gabrielle was here and scowling at her 3 years worth of memories being forced to take up ERT.