Angels and Demons

Ugh, another post again, today. I must have no life, living side by side with the computer and a blog. I just finished reading the book I was talking about in another post. Anyone who is interested to read it ought to check out and then check out your local book store. So let me do my own little book report now.
Robert Langdon gets this fax that has this guy with his head rotated 360 degrees with the word 'Illuminati' engraved into his chest and he has one hazel eye missing. Then Maximillan Kohler from CERN calls him up then convinces Langdon to come down to Switzerland through this X-33 chopper which is supposed to be some modern art of flying technology that takes only 1 hour to get to Switzerland. Then in CERN, Kohler shows Langdon some stuff around and Leonardo Vetra (the guy stamped with the Illuminati thing) whom, was old sprawled in a puddle of frozen urine in this really cold freezer room. Then Kohler made Langdon explain about the Illuminati, which is some old ancient cult that once consisted of scientists that disagree with the Roman Catholic Church at Vatican City. So they made this secret lair called the Illuminati Church and discussed forbidden topics there. Then Vetra's daughter Vittoria, some marine biologists appears and demands to see her father and demands why Kohler hasn't called the Interpol yet. Then she heads off to the lab and shows them this antimatter thing that is like some sort of super nuclear bomb that can just evaporate things up within this and that range of radius. It uses this eye scan, some retina pattern thing to allow only Vittoria and Vetra to enter the lab and the Haz-Mat. So then Vittoria saw her father's eyeball underneath the retina-scan at the Haz-Mat and realizes what had happened to her father. Then Kohler gets this call that the antimatter is positioned at the Vatican City and within 6 hours it could explode. So, they head off to the Vatican but Kohler was admitted to the hospital because he went into this coughing fit. ~I shall skip this part and go to the end, if I were to give the full synopsis, it shall be the break of dawn~ So they found the antimatter, actually Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca found it. Actually the Camerlengo was the one who plotted this whole antimatter fiasco. He had killed his actualy father, the Pope and Leonardo Vetra. He killed his father because the Pope told him, that he had fathered a child and Ventresca went really angry and asked the Pope how could he break his cilebracy (think that's the word). He poisons the Pope and then murdered Vetra. In the end he set himself on fire. There were two Popes elected, Ventresca and some other Cardinal. But Ventresca died of course, his ashes were placed beside the Pope. Then classical love story when Langdon fals in love with Vittoria. -The End-