a wimba web
Went for Red Crescent meeting today. Argh! Davelyn told me it starts at 10.15am so I arrived there at 10.00am and guess what? It starts at 10.45am. Victoria these people were upstairs arranging chairs for the AGM. So okay, I'm in Romania section. Rhema got placed into Iran or was it Germany? Okay, I forgot all about that. Skip that. So then we had this game, where you pick two representives as models. So okay, we Romanians picked Wendy and Maudia. So our theme was....mermaids, yah, MERMAIDS. So we had to dress them up in newspapers. Pretty riddiculous. Wendy and Maudia could hardly walk. Then Karen and Kim from some other section were aliens dressed all in MNG annd Guess and carrying SQUASH RACKETS! There was Libya who were angels and faries, Davenlyn and Intan. Oh yea, speaking of Romania, my section leader is Wendy and the assistant is Ervina. Another group was...what was it already? Oh yeah, desert people. No idea what, honestly. They had cactuses and male and female camels. Really hysterical, then what has "A wimba web" got to do with aliens?