Toilet bowl pencil sharpener

Highlight of the week- (Tuesday) Rhema and I were discussing about our school's toilets and then it went to the discussion of KH projects that we were going to do as Pn. Wong was talking about in front. Then...the two ideas just combined. We shall carve this wooden toilet bowl pencil sharperner that when you pull the flush thing, your pencils will go round and round (sharpened) in the hole. And you can place that in your bathroom so it matches perfectly in there. But as I was telling her, I bet if we made one of what we just said, I bet it looks more like a filter funnel than a toilet bowl.

Monday- eavesdropped in the toilets again...hehehe...accidentally. Seems like the toilet has became a particularly hotspot for eavesdropping...wonder why. Just overheard somebody claiming she looks like Amanda. Which, frankly speaking, looks nothing like it at all. Went for break duty and yet...hpmf...I had none... wasting precious 5 minutes of my precious break time.

Tuesday- started KH project. Guess what colour is my MDF and black with these dark pink and lavender mounting boards. Started working at the new gate...finally demerited people after such a long, long wait...ahhhhhh...I actually went through the trouble to change for PJ and hmf...the half of the class didn't and teacher doesn't even bother.

Wednesday- We had to slice flowers up in Science today. Ergh...boring Chapter 4. At least the plant experiment thing brightened things a bit...we were more like destroying the flowers than doing experiments. I forgot to bring hibiscus flowers for Science well...basically I didn't have any so Rhema and I made the decision to pluck from the church. Guess what? They completely trimmed all the trees there. No flowers least that was what we saw when we went there. When Cordelia and Julie went there...they found themselves a flower each. Sheesh. So end up, I plucked this ugly pink flower from the school grounds and so did Rhema and Mich. Zahira plucked....bunga kertas. Fascinating, I gambled in class today with Esther, Rhema and Wendy. How did we gamble? Lots of coins and the table but funny method of gambling really...without cards. More like betting. Esther won herself a bodyguard.

Thursday- Gambled today again. "Gambled". Coins on the table during BM time cause the teacher wasn't in. Another strange method today. Today Michelle joined in. I bet the entire pool first round and hahaha, got back this large sum. Ah...then I lost everything. Well, not my money. It's basically Wendy's. Maths tuition today.

Friday- No morning duty! No break duty! Woohoo! Rhema has morning duty only. Well, all the F2, F4 and F5 council members went for prefects' camp at Camp Permai. Christine, Rhema and I were discussing about student exchange and scholarships. Then came to ear piercing...came to the conclusion that if you feel like lengthening your ears...wear drop earrings. Christine was telling this story about this man who tried to see how he would look like wearing a nose ring so he put this magnet ear stud on his nose and when he inhaled, the entire magnet went down his nasal cavity. What an idiot. Blackout in school! Damn hot! Suffering from humidity. Piano lessons today, had this backache and played so stiffly so suffered the consequences of being blown off at for sounding rigid. Violin was okay, no blowing off. Pn Chen tuition today. Just came back. Got my name called so many times answer this and that. Bet I'll get famous by end of the year. RC meeting for the F3 telematch committee tomorrow at 11am-12.30pm at the canteen. Got to wake up early again. I shall do my Pn Chen BM homework tomorrow when I reach school earlier.