A chihuahua & a poodle at a coffee shop...
Oh my gosh, I learnt all sorts of unusual things to do in a coffee shop from Jason and Ian today. It started off with Ian who was telling me that his dad taught him to order mineral water with reduced sugar. Since then, he's been constantly doing it at coffee shops and this was what that happened...
Ian : Bang, mineral water satu. Kurangkan gula.
Waiter: Oo, okay... (goes away)
...Comes back after a while...
Waiter: Dik tadi order apa??
Hahaha! Imagine if you ordered a mineral water with reduced sugar. Then, when you mineral water is served, you take a sip and it tastes sweet. *laughs* Well, here's something unusual that Jason did at a coffee shop...
Jason : Teh C Peng satu, tanpa gula, teh, susu, ais dan air.
Waiter: Oo... (goes away)
...Comes back later with a glass of Teh C Peng with sugar, tea, milk, ice and water...
This was what Jason did at the coffee shop at Green Heights...
Jason : Do you have lamb chop?
Waitress: Sorry, no more stock.
Jason : What about black pepper lamb chop?
Waitress: Sorry, we don't have that.
Jason : White pepper lamb chop leh?
Waitress: Sorry, we don't have that either.
...After going through many kinds of lamb chop, Jason finally settles down with fried rice...
Jason struck the jackpot!!!
Oh my gosh!!! Jason struck the 4D jackpot!!! Oh my gosh!!! And my my gosh, I was just kidding so don't get all excited about planning to pick some cash off him as he most certainly did not strike any jackpot. I had a dream last night and it was a very unusual one too. I dreamt that Jason struck the 4D jackpot with a number, which, was 4514. Okay you can settle down with your notepad and pen and jote the number down and try your luck. If you strike the 4D jackpot, remember to give me 50% of it as I was the one who provided you this four digits. Okay, back to the storyline. I dreamt he struck the jackpot and a couple of nights ago, he dreamt that he struck the jackpot. His mother was asking him what was the number and they should go buy the number. Hahaha. So, who knows? Perhaps Jason's going to strike the jackpot one day. Maybe not tomorrow but someday. But still, you know what's the freakiest part? I dreamt of Jason, oh my gosh! Freaky! Okay, I had alot of unusual dreams before. I had one dream once whereby I dreamt that Rhema and William got married. Freakish right? I had a dream also about Teh and Jessie being in a cafe. Jessie was sitting on Teh's lap and Teh was spoonfeeding her. I was the waitress serving them. Then, I came up to them and asked if Teh prefered coffee or tea. Teh replied that he wanted a beer and I gave him a bottle of Heinekein beer. Weird right, ahahaha. I just happen to have an overactive and over-imaginative mind.